Dental crowns and bridges are common dental procedures that restore patient's teeth. Dr. Samani explains how Ridgewood Dental Associates prepares your teeth for a crown or bridge and then the steps to creating a natural-looking restoration. While crowns restore a damaged tooth's shape, a dental bridge also replaces missing teeth to restore your smile give you a secure, complete bite.
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A crown is a protective covering over the entire tooth. It could be made porcelain fused to metal. It could be made with all ceramics. Either way, it's meant to restore the tooth back to its either original shape or even better than that. The difference between a crown and a bridge is usually a crown deals with an individual tooth. When we're dealing with bridgework, that implies that there's a tooth missing, and we're going to span that missing tooth. Crowns on either side of it, and then a false tooth between them.
So the process involved with making a crown or three tooth bridges is basically the same. We need to prepare the teeth. Once we've repaired the teeth, we need to take an impression for it. Once the impression is done, then we fabricate a temporary. Once a temporary is adjusted, polished, and cemented in, about 10 days later, two weeks later you return, and we try in the crown. If you're happy with it, and I'm happy with it, we cement it in, and you go home with it.