Dental Implant Side Effects By Jin Ha Joung on August 09, 2020

digital rendering of dental implant placed in jawMissing teeth can negatively impact your appearance, and most importantly your oral health, which is why they should be replaced as soon as possible. Dental implants are highly successful, and can last a lifetime with proper maintenance.

At Ridgewood Dental Associates, our doctors place and restore dental implants. In fact, we have a periodontist and a prosthodontist onsite. Patients can conveniently undergo all of their treatment at our Ridgewood, NJ location.

As with any procedure, there are dental implant side effects. Here, we will discuss normal postoperative side effects as well as potential long-term complications and how to reduce the risk.

Temporary Side Effects

Temporary side effects can be expected. The most common include:

  • Bleeding: The day of your procedure, gauze packs are placed over the surgical site. These can be removed once you are home. However, slight bleeding may still occur over the next 24 to 48 hours. You can reapply gauze as needed.
  • Swelling: Most patients notice inflammation in the gum tissue around the implant. Some may even develop external swelling of the jaw. Cold compresses, when applied in 20-minute increments, can reduce swelling and alleviate discomfort.
  • Bruising: In some cases, individuals may have external bruising in the cheek or jaw area. Should this occur, it typically diminishes within one week.
  • Discomfort: Slight discomfort is to be expected. However, this side effect can be successfully managed with over-the-counter or prescription pain medication.

All of these side effects are common. In most cases, they should resolve on their own in just a few days.

Dental Implant Risks and Complications

There are also risks of dental implant placement, just as with any surgical procedure. Complications may include:

  • Infection at the implant site
  • Failure to fuse to the jawbone
  • Injury to neighboring teeth
  • Nerve damage, which can cause permanent tingling or numbness
  • Sinus perforation, if an implant is placed too close to the sinus cavity
  • Allergic reaction, which is rare but possible

Reducing the Risk for Complications

While complications cannot be fully predicted or prevented, there are several things you can do to reduce the risk of complications. Following all postoperative instructions provided by our Bergen County, NJ dental team is a very important step. Here are a few general guidelines:

  • Avoid any exercise or strenuous activity for at least 48 to 72 hours.
  • Keep the surgical site clean by gently soaking the area with an antibacterial mouthwash.
  • Resume brushing in the surgical area whenever your dentist tells you it is safe to do so.
  • Brush and floss all of your other teeth normally.
  • Take all medications exactly as directed.
  • Attend all scheduled follow-up visits.
  • Call our office if you feel that something is not right.

Contact Our Practice to Learn More

Are you thinking about having missing teeth replaced with dental implants? It is important to know everything about the procedure prior to surgery. To learn more about dental implant treatment and how you can reduce the risk of complications, reach out to our Ridgewood, NJ practice. Contact us online or call our dental practice at (201) 652-2474.

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Drs. Mark Samani and Jin Ha Joung

Ridgewood Dental Associates

At Ridgewood Dental Associates in Bergen County, we pride ourselves on being able to handle virtually all of your needs in a single location. Dr. Jin Ha Joung, Dr. Mark Samani, and Dr. Min-Hee Cho are affiliated with:

  • American College of Prosthodontists
  • American Academy of Periodontology
  • Academy of Osseointegration
  • American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine
  • American Dental Association

For more information about our services, contact our office or call (201) 652-2474 today.

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